The buttterfly effect
can make big things happen

It’s a brand new year and we need your help!
Our Butterfly Centre is growing and we have raised enough money to kit out our Occupational therapy room for 2022…thanks so much to those who helped, it’s going to be such a benefit not just to our Butterfly kids but to the Stanford community!
We have a few new kids wanting to enrol in 2022 but so many in our area are struggling and cannot pay full fees.
Please help us to help them. Simply click on the payfast link and commit to R100 per month to become a friend of The Butterfly Centre, and we will keep you up to date with what we are doing.
Please consider this, there are many children whose families cant afford to provide the support these kids need to fulfill their potential.
Thank you and many blessings to our supporters. We love you.
Love Jami and the Butterfly kids xxx 🦋